Thursday, October 11, 2012

2k League (3-2-1)

So during the league I got completely tabled by nids on the top of 5.  Didnt stand a chance so that was my first loss of the didn't post anything on that since it was so bad for me.

Week 4 I faced Tau and that went much  better for me, was the Relic with Dawn of War deployment.

He got first turn and deployed in a gun line behind the Aegis Defense Line, his kroot infiltrated and pretty much ended up on top of the relic trying to get it to start bringing back to his deployment on turn 2.  Unfortunately for him I stole the Initiative and the Kroot were stuck out in the open with no save against Bolters.  Tactical Marines moved forward as well as the Death Company and just laid waste to was a very large squad, 20+ probably and over Half of them died.

Devastators shot at a unit of Crisis suits only killing a drone.  that was my first turn in a nut shell, he didnt have a lot he could do but he killed off 8/10 DC.

Turn 2 BA
SR came on, Dante and his squad w/Priest, Vanguard vets.  Only thing that couldn't make its reserve roll was a squad of assault marines.

SR lost 2 Hull Points from the Quad Cannon in the ADL.

Dante as you can see in the  picture above wiped out a large portion of fire warriors with the 2 flamers in his squad.  A squad of assault marines w/ Priest that started on the table were moving along the left part of my deployment. 

Vets charged the unit of Crisis Suits with his Warlord.

Turn 2 Tau
 He put everything he had into Dante's Squad and killed off everybody but Dante.  Luckily for me is it took his entire armies shooting to do that.  (First Blood Tau)

A squad of Crisis Suits deep striked behind the assault squad moving up the left side of the table, they had a variety of weapons with flamers being some of them.  I lost 2 guys in all that, FNP saving me a lot.

Vets killed off the Crisis suits  as well as the Warlord. (Slay the Warlord BA)


Turn 3 BA
Tactical marines and DC moved up towards the relic, the other assault squad that was still in reserves came in with a 2 inch scatter to the left.  The Crisis suits that came in behind that assault squad lost 2 drones and a suit and failed their LD test and started falling back.

The assault squad moved towards his ADL blasting into a fire warrior squad right there and they ended up falling off the table, and the assault squad that just came in from deep strike put good use to their flamers.

Dante joined the Vets and moved over  into the ruins to take out the Broadsides.  And Proceeded to wipe them out....Pretty much was all Dante though since the Vets couldn't get through the 2+ armor.


Turn 3 Tau
Quad gun kills the SR by taking the last Hull point off and it ends up crashing away in the middle of no where.

Crisis suits fly up and try to kill off some tacticals trying to stop them from getting the relic killing 2.

Turn 4 BA
This turn he lost all his fire warriors and last suit holding the Quad Gun as well as the Crisis Suits over by the relic.  The tactical marines are moving away with the relic.

For the rest of the game he was going flat out with the Tetra's trying to at least get himself Line Breaker.

At the end of the game I had the Relic so took the Primary for 14 League Points
Secondaries were Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker

He got Line Breaker and First Blood.

18-4 Blood Angels.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

2K League Game 2 (2-0-0)

Last night I was paired against a footslogging Necron list.

Mission: Emperor's Will
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

My list:
Dante - 225
Honor Guard w/JP's and 4 melta guns -205
10x Assault squad w/ 2 melta guns and powerfist -235
10x Assault squad w/ 2 Flamers and power sword -215
10x Tactical marines w/ multi melta and plasma gun -180
10x Death Company w/ bolters -200
8x Vanguard Veterans with 2 melta bombs and Glaive Encarmine - 265
Storm Raven w/ Multi melta and assault cannon -200
Storm Raven w/ Milti melta and assault cannon - 200

Warlord trait was FNP within 3 inches of an objective
Opponent granted outflank to his unit

From memory my opponent had
4 overlords
6 cryptech
4 five man warrior squads
2 six man wraith squads w/ 4 whip coils per squad
2 squads of 4 scarab bases (maybe 5 each)
3 annihilation barges
Triarch Stalker

I believe that's roughly it 3 cryptechs had solar pulse and I believe they all had the 36 inch str. 8 ap2 staffs.

Turn 1 Necrons
My opponent had first turn but most things were out of range, except the 3 annihilation barges which managed to kill 5 DC between the 3
Of them.
Turn 1 Blood Angels
I didn't do a whole lot, for the most part I moved around my units around to get better cover and make it difficult for my opponent to draw LoS.
Turn 2 Necrons
His warlord and a squad of wraiths he was attached to outflanked into my deployment right next to my home objective my tactical marines were holding.  Luckily he couldn't assault this turn so it would give a chance to shoot before the inevitable assault.  Everything else in the army moved forward and shooting at what they could see.

Turn 2 Blood Angels
2 Storm ravens, vanguard and assault squad with meltas deep strike.  Dante and the Hg couldn't make the reserve roll even with rerolls so no FNP for those guys.  They would have to fend for themselves for a turn.
Vanguard came down without scattering right into my enemies ruin where the obj was but I lost one to dangerous terrain.  Assault squad pretty much did the same thing but scattered 3 inches, lost another to dangerous terrain.
2 SR flew on and positioned themselves to shoot at the triarch and annihilation barges.
Assault squad in my deployment started booking it over to my tactical marines to assist them in that assault that was about to happen.
1 SR managed to take 1 hull point off one annihilation barge and the other SR blew up his triarch stalker.
Tactical marines rapid fired into his wraiths and ended up killin 1 and putting a wound on another as well as a wound on his warlord who failed a 2+ save.
Vanguard wiped out a warrior squad in assault.
Blood Angels 1-0

Turn 3 Necrons
Necrons get confused so half go towards his home obj and the other half try to continue going for
mine.  The annihilation barges roll like all 6s to hit my SR and kill it by sheer glancing hits.
At this point I have 1 DC left and he's out of Los of anyone else to shoot him.
Everything else runs to get closer to me and the wraiths in my deployment assault.  His warlord dies to over watch since he was leading the charge and failed look out sir.  I managed to kill 1 wraith in cc but I lost 5 tactical marines luckily they were fearless from red thirst.
Assault squad in his deployment got assaulted by a overlord with scarabs.  I lost 2 marines and he lost  overlord and 2 scarab bases.
Blood Angels 2-0

Blood Angels Turn 3
Dante and Honor guard come down but decide to come down behind his wraiths in his deployment to stop them from destroying and killing my chances from keeping his objective.
Assault squad in my deployment moved 6 inches over to the wraiths on my obj so I get reroll to charge.
SR made about a 45 degree turn and flew in front of his wraiths to shoot them as well.  Vanguard moved up in the the ruin to take out the last warrior squad there.
Dante's squad instant killed 2 wraiths, SR did nothing to them.
Vanguard assaulted ad killed the warrior squad, assault squad finished off the scarabs.
Assault squad in my deployment assaulted the wraiths on my obj.  Killing 2 wraiths and losing 2 tactical marines.

Necrons Turn 4
Everything at this point is making a mad dash over to his obj.  My assault squad consolidated 6 inches into the ruin so he couldn't draw line of sight on anything in there so everything just ran.
Annihilation tried shooting at my SR since I was in hover mode but I made most all of my jink saves except 1 glance so lost 1 hull point.

Blood Angels Turn 4
Vanguard moved out of ruin to slow down wraiths so my assault squad can hold the obj.
Dante moved up ad shot wraiths again, instant killing 1 more wraith.
SR stayed in hover mode and tried to shoot at annihilation barges again but couldn't do anything.
Assault squad and tacticals killed off the last of the wraiths in my deployment.

Vanguard and Dante/HG assault wraiths and killed them all off this assault phase....Dante pretty much did it all himself.

After that everything consolidates back towards the ruin to block any attempt from getting knocked off the obj, and there is nothing remotely close to my home obj.

Necrons Turn 5
Continues with shooting and think I lost 2 vanguard vets, Dante and his squad assault the last warrior squad trying to get into the ruins and wipe them all out, Dante once again delivering the most killing blows.
Blood Angels Turn 5
Once again trying to take out those annihilation barges but i cant manage to get through the armor, I had a knack of rolling great to hit then all ones or 2s for armor pen.   I proceed to encircle my objs so there is no way they will be taken from me at this point.  The game goes to turn 6 but not much changes

Blood Angels win with both Objectives and all 3 Secondaries earning a possible 20 out of 20 league Points..
14 for the Primary and 2 for each Secondary.

Blood Angels 20-2 (He managed to get line breaker)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

2k League Game 1 (1-0-0)

So Game 1 of the League went fairly well for me.  I played a pretty aggressive Tau player so it was a nice change to what I usually see.

My List-
Dante -225
Honor Guard w/JP's 4 Melta -205
10x Assault Squad w/2 Flamers and Power Sword -215
10x Assault Squad w/2 Flamers and Lightning Claw -215
10x Death Company w/Bolters -200
10x Tactical Marines /w Plasma gun and Multi-Melta -180
Sanguinary Priest w/JP -75
Furioso Dreadnought w/Blood Talons and Heavy Flamer -135
Furioso Dreadnought w/Blood Talons and Heavy Flamer -135
8x Vanguard Veterans w/JP's 2 Melta Bombs and Glaive Encarmine on Sergeant -265
6x Devastators w/4 ML's -146

I rolled on the Command Warlord Trait and got Move Through Cover for my Warlord and any unit within 12 inches.

My opponent got reroll rolls of 1 to hit near his Warlord

He got First turn and there was no night fighting turn 1.

I reserved Dante, HG, 2 Assault Squads and the Priest
on the table I had the Tactical Squad, DC, 2 Furioso's and Devastators.

Not a whole lot happened turn 1, I lost 2 DC but i think that was it.  I made some shots but nothing notable happened.

Turn 2 was when it got really interesting my opponent deep striked all his Plasma suits into my deployment wiping out my 2 furioso's, DC.  Granting him First Blood.  Honestly I didnt expect this at all, usually Tau cower away waiting for the inevitable surge forward.  Not today though

My Turn 2 saw my Vanguard vets come down and scatter 6 inches towards his unit in my deployment with his warlord and a few plasma suits.  The 2nd ring of vets ended up touching his drone so Mishap and I rolled a 1.....Whole unit dead.
Dante and the Honor Guard landed right next to that same unit that the vanguard were going for and shot the warlord in the face and killing 2 Drones and Instant killing the Warlord.  Then ended up falling back like 11 inches.  Assault squad also landed in his deployment and I proceeded to flame his fire warriors to death.  He had like 75 fire warriors so it was going to take some work.

My Tactical marines moved off their objective and moved over and shot 10 shots into one of his plasma suit squads killing one of them and they lost their leadership and started falling back.....funny thing with this squad is they failed their leadership every turn until it was about 1 inch from his table edge and he finally regrouped.

Turn 3 Had my other assault squad come down in his deployment flaming another squad and both of them surviving an incredible amount of firepower.  If i failed my armor save FNP saved me 75% of the time.    One turn his entire army shot at one assault squad and couldnt remove them from his deployment they dug in and weathered the storm....then next turn assaulted.   By the end of the game he didnt have any firewarriors near any objectives.  he had some in a building but there was no way they could make it that far in time.

Turn 6 he fired his broadsides at my tactical marines on the other side of the table killing 2 and I failed a leadership test on a 12...then I rolled 12 for fallback......the table edge was 11 inches from them.....yea.

At this point its turn 6 I have no scoring units left and he cant get any either.

He has first blood and i have Slay the Warlord.  So Dante went in with his Honor Guard to try to get me line breaker.  I ended up losing all the Honor guard and Dante made an incredible amount of saves.  My opponent even assaulted me with like 6 plasma suits to try to kill Dante off so he could get slay the warlord and deny me line breaker.....but Dante made all his saves again and proceeded to butcher every Tau near him.

Game ends on turn 7 and I have slay the Warlord and Line breaker to his first blood.

2-1 me

For this game since neither of us held the primary we both got 7 and each secondary was worth 2.

So 11-9 Blood Angels.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Next League

Well the Blood Angels didn't do so well in the last game of the league.  Ended up 2-3-1, last game I was tabled the top of 5.  I went up against a Tyranid opponent which was a pretty rough list out assaulting my assault army.

Thing that really put the nail in the coffin though was the fact I couldn't make armor saves or FNP saves throughout the whole game, and pretty much every plasma gun in my army died from gets hot.

Which sums up how my game went and how frustrating it was becoming towards the end, eventually dice should roll average right? nope not that night.

So next league is going to be 2k with double force organization.

I am going to try something new, first off I am going to run Sanguinor.

I will also be fielding IG allies.

Right now it looks like
Company Command Squad w/Officer of the Fleet -80 points
Infantry Platoon - 175 points
   - Platoon Command Squad w/Autocannon and 1 Flamer
   - Infantry Squad w/Autocannon and 1 Flamer
    -Infantry Squad w/Autocannon and 1 Flamer

This gives me some more long range fire power with the Autocannons being able to take out light armor and even flyers.  A lot more bodies on the table, especially scoring bodies,  the Officer of the Fleet forcing my opponents reserves to come onto the table with a 4+ instead of 3+.

So what the list so far,

Sanguinor -275
Honor Guard /w Jump packs and 4 melta guns -205
10x Assault Squad w/2 Flamers and 1 Power sword -215
10x Assault Squad w/2 Melta guns and 1 Power fist -235
1x Sanguinary Guard w/Jump pack and Power Sword -90
10x Vanguard Veteran Squad w/2 Melta Bombs and Sergeant with Glaive Encarmine -325
Storm Raven w/Multi Melta and Assault Cannons -200
Storm Raven w/Multi Melta and Lascannon -200

Then IG ally list above.

So the plan right now is turn 1 I pretty much sit tight and take some shots at whatever I can but for the most part I will wait it out.

Turn 2 is when the fun starts, the 2 Storm Ravens should come on and take out enemy flyers and any heavy vehicles.  As well as the Sanguinor, vanguard vets and HG coming down into the enemies deployment zone.  HG provides FNP and should be able to take out a vehicle pretty easy giving me first blood.

vanguard use heroic intervention and assault, usually my target will be any anti air they might have or just go straight for the opponents objective.   Sanguinor provides +1 attack to anyone within 6 inches of him so the Vets will have 50 attacks on the charge.

Sanguinor is an experiment right now, hopefully it works out for me.  I plan to add onto my IG allies as the league progresses.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

League Game 4 (2-2-0)

This week I was pitted against Chaos w/ Demon Allies. 

My list
Dante -225
Honor Guard /w JP's and 4 Plasma Guns -225
10x Assault Squad w/2 Flamers and Power sword -215
10x Tactical Squad w/Plasma Gun and Mult-Melta -180
Sanguinary Guard w/2 Power Fists -220
Scouts w/4 Sniper Rifles and Missile Launcher and Camo Cloaks -100
10x Vanguard Veterans w/2 Melta Bombs and Glaive Encarmine -325
Aegis Defense Line w/ Quad Gun -100

Turn 1 went to my opponent, I didn't try to seize since I wanted him to move as close to me as possible before I got to go to give me a better opportunity to engage him and so I can get some last turn Objective grabbing.

Turn 1 Chaos -
He started moving all his stuff forward, His Demon Prince used Lash of Submission to move my Sanguinary Guard over and into a tight pack.  The Defiler fired his Battle Cannon at then luckily it scattered and landed on the Tactical marines behind the Aegis Defense Line, killed one marine.

Turn 1 Blood Angels
The Sanguinary Guard moved forward and got their charge off on the Blood Letters and Skull taker.  Skull Taker had a hard time landing a hit this game, which was lucky for me since he was WS5 and rends on a 4+ which also causes Instant Death.  I didn't have to worry about that though since if he hit he didn't wound.

I tried shooting at the Soul grinder some but couldn't dent it with the rest of my army.  Pretty Uneventful turn for me, just trying to slow him down until my reserves had a chance to come in.

Chaos Turn 2-
 Didn't get a picture of his turn but his Demon Prince used lash to move my Assault squad up and into a tight grp so his battle cannon on the defiler could shoot again, but it scattered over into teh tacticals again. 

Sanguinary Guard were tearing up the Blood Letters, 2+ save against their AP3 weapons is pretty nice.

The Demon Prince then assaults and the Flamers ending up scoring 5 hits and end up putting 2 wounds on him.  He ends up killing 2 marines though so its even.

Blood Angels Turn 2-

The Honor Guard w/Dante come down as well as the Vanguard Veterans.   The Honor Guard blow up the Rhino carrying Plague marines and gives me First Blood, the Vanguard then assault the Plague Marines.

The Sanguinary Guard combat is whittling down pretty quick and like 2 of my guys left and 1 Blood Letter and Skull Taker.

Chaos Turn 3-
My Sanguinary Guard finally die, Skull Taker figured out how to hit and wound.

Plague Marines shot into Dante and the HG, killing 3 guys.  and his Plague Bearers started moving towards the combat.  The Havocs rained missiles down on Dante and his squad, I made it out of that one pretty good.

The Thousand Sons all get out of their Rhino and also lay fire into Dante and his squad but they didnt hit very well and I managed to walk out of that one with 2 wounds on Dante.

Blood Angels Turn 3-

My Tactical Marines shoot the Plasma Gun and Multi melta at the Soul Grinder and the melta ends up scoring a  penetrating  hit but I roll a 1 to wound.   The scout with the missile launcher though shoots and rolls a 6 to hit, 6 to pen, and a 6 on the damage table.  This was really the turning point of the game for me.  I had nothing to really deal with that Soul Grinder once it hit my lines, I took it out at the perfect time.  If that didn't happen I wouldn't of had the scoring units necessary at the end of the game.

Assault Marines shoot Skull Taker in the face with their bolt pistols and he dies.

Chaos Turn 4
Thousand Sons shoot into my tacticals killing like 2 of them.

Vanguard Vets finally die after the defiler came in and assisted.

Dante got assaulted my plaguebearers, he killed 4 of them and didnt take a single wound. 

Blood Angels Turn 4

Assault Squad moves  into a Mysterious Forest and ends up being a Ironbark forest giving me a 3+ cover save.  Dante finally dies, giving my opponent Slay the Warlord

Game is 2-2.  First Blood and Slay the Warlord for me, Slay the Warlord and a Fast Attack kill for him.

Chaos Turn 5
 Thousand Sons shoot at my tacticals again as they hoofing it to the Objective and they lose 3 more.

Blood Angels Turn 5-6

This Picture is actually the bottom of turn 6.  I spent my turn running to secure Objectives, tactical's managed to kill like 2 Thousand Sons, but I was really banking on the game ending on turn 6 and it did.  I controlled 3 Objectives and he Controlled 2.

So I had First Blood, Slay the Warlord, a 3 point OBJ, 3 Point and 2 Point.

He had Slay the Warlord, Fast Attack Kill, 1 point OBJ and 4 Point OBJ.

Game ends 10-7 Blood Angels.

Then I also got 10 League Points for the Win so 20 League points for me.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

League Game 3 (1-2-0)

Game 3 had me pitted against the Tau, of course I didn't take any pictures because of the fast pace of the game.  I need to try to get some for next game.

Things that went poorly for me this game was my Vanguard Vets failing to come in on turn 2.  Rolled a 1 then with the reroll from DoA I rolled a 1 again.  My Honor Guard did come in though so I deepstriked them into a ruin in my opponents deployment.  He had railgun broadsides in there as well as a squad of 3 crisis suits with plasma.

Dante with the HG lost 1 from failing his dangerous terrain test....broke both his legs coming in.  I rapid fired their plasma guns and the tau made every cover save.  The main reason I sent dante here though was to take care of the biggest threat on the table but the obj they were sitting on also granted I needed to take care of those rail gun broadsides before my flyers came on.

Vanguard came in on turn 3, and landed 5 inches away from their target they were planning on assaulting.  Course I rolled snake eyes for the charge and in my opponents shooting phase rapid fired plasma from Commander farsight and his complete retinue full of plasma and missiles that just came in from reserves.  Needless to say my vanguard were pretty much wiped out to the man.

My opponent got first blood, slay the warlord, 1 heavy support kill during the game.

I got 1 Heavy support kill, 2 Objectives. (My Storm raven flew away and went into hover mode to claim an objective and my assault squad I kept back was holding the other in my deployment.  At the end that storm raven had 1 hull point left so it was close)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

League Game 2 (0-2-0)

My List
Dante -225
Honor Guard w/JP's and 4 Plasma Gun's -225
8x Assault Squad w/ 1 Melta and Powerfist
8x Assault Squad w/1 Melta and Powerfist
9x Death Company w/ Bolters and Power Sword
10x Vanguard Veteran Squad w/4 Power Fists and 4 Storm Shields, 1 Melta Bomb -485
2x Sanguinary Priests -150

I believe that was everything, I paired up against an IG player with BA Allies.  I don't remember the whole list but I remember the Thunderbolt and Cestus Assault Ram.  The Cestus killed Dante and his entire Honor Guard in 1 Melta Blast.

There were like 5 Fliers which in itself wasnt so bad, I thought I was doing pretty well.
This is a picture at the start of my turn 2, the mission was purge the alien and Hammer and Anvil deployment.  I started my troops right on the 24 in line and tried to move forward as fast as I could.

Turn 2 he had 3 fliers come in, at this point you can see my DC already took 3 casualties.....from the Leman Russ Executioner.  The good news is I combat squaded the Vanguard Vets 1 set came down and took out the Leman Russ, the other drifted 6 inches into his squad and got a mishap and went right back into reserves.

Dante and the HG came down and Rapid Fired Plasma into the back of one of his flyers and it exploded with the 1 six to hit I got.  He had a veteran guardsman team inside and they all died but 1 guy who plummeted to the ground unharmed.  At this point I got first blood.

Then as you can see from the picture above the Cestus dropped off a ten man BA assault squad right in front of mine (painted as GK's) then the Cestus turned around in Hover mode and wanted Dante dead.

Then the Melta blast happened from the Cestus and killed Dante and the HG.  I will remember this, that things weapon is brutal...didn't help it didn't scatter at all.

Vanguard vets tried to come down again in turn 3 but again scattered 6 inches towards his troops and again got a Mishap and went back into reserves.

Those are all the pictures I have but the game ended on turn 5, never got night fighthing.

I was trying to recover from facing all terminators with Draigo last game and I go right into a heavy flyer list.  Hard trying to figure out a list and maintain my assault theme I want.

I believe next week is Big Guns Never Tire.....oh boy.

Friday, August 3, 2012

League game 1 (0-1-0)

Well the League started Wednesday Aug 1st.  I didnt really take a lot of pictures...just 2 in fact.
This was the first mission played, I was paired against a GK player. 

His list was
Draigo -275
10x Terminators (Justicar w/Force Sword, 1 Daemon Hammer, 6 Halberds, 2 Psycannons) -470
10x Terminators (Justicar w/Force Sword, 1 Daemon Hammer, 6 Halberds, 2 Psycannons) -470
 Dread Knight w/Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon and Greatsword -225
 Dread Knight w/Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon and Greatsword -225

The game was already poorly in my favor since I knew I couldn't deal with terminators very well.  Let alone a whole army of them.  You know what though, I had 2 Storm Ravens and he couldn't really deal with those very well.  So I thought I had a chance.....then they announced that all objectives on all tables grant skyfire for this mission. 

I  don't think I even got a single Kill point, I managed to get one of his combat squaded terminator squads down to 1 guy left and another to 2 guys left.  I managed to inflict 2 wounds on a DK and I had 1 lone sniper manage to inflict 2 wounds on Draigo.....that poor guy was riddled with gun fire soon after. 

I walked away from that game with 0 points and he walked away with 25 points since he tabled me, He was a great opponent though and it was a fun game regardless.  Next game I am upping the aggression factor by 12 and will be really in my opponent's face.....or lose by turn 3, we will see.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

League Army List

Well it is confirmed the League will be 1666 points, I attended the pre-league games on Wednesday (July 25th) with what I thought was a strong list.  Needless to say I lost, surprising I know.

Dante -225 (Warlord)
10x Assault Squad w/ 2 Melta's and PF -235
10x Assault Squad w/ 2 Melta's and PF -235
Sanguinary Guard w/Chapter Banner and 2 PF's -250
7x Death Company w/Bolter's and 1 Power Sword -155
2x Sanguinary Priests w/JP's and 1 Power Sword -165
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta -200
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta -200

Problem with the last game I had was I couldn't get an army wide FNP bubble going becuase the one I had got bogged down.  My Death Company ended up in  protracted combat that lasted pretty much the entire game with genestealers and the Broodlord.

Either way I am going to go with this for the time being and see what happens.

The Battle Reports are going to start back up again starting with Game 1 on the 1st of August.  Each game will actually count so at that point hopefully my luck improves.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Army List #2

This is my new attempt at a list in preparation for a Tournament I have in Aug at 2k.

After my game yesterday I needed to make a few changes, I definitely saw my weaknesses.

Dante -225 (Will roll on Command Warlord Traits again)
10x Assault Squad w/ 2 Melta's and PF -235
10x Assault Squad w/ 2 Melta's and PF -235
10x Assault Squad w/ 2 Melta's and a Lightning Claw -225
Sanguinary Guard w/Chapter Banner and 2 PF's -250
10x Death Company w/Bolters and 2 Power Swords -230
Death Company Dreadnought -125
Sanguinary Priest w/JP -75
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta -200
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta -200

Now if I play a heavy flier list I could always make a quick adjustment and drop the DC down to 6 man with no PW's and drop the Combi-Melta on the Priest and add a Power Weapon then I can fit in the Aegis Defense Line.

I think this list would give me a much better shot against a lot of people.  This list is meant to be as all comers as possible because realistically I will have no idea who my opponent will be.

So I learned a few things from a game I had on Sunday.  1 Drop Pod doesn't work, and since I only had 1 Drop Pod my Honor Guard were unsupported.
 Devastators also couldn't manage to hit anything all game, its not their fault I blame the dice.

I also believe in the Death Company Dreadnought and know he will do great if given the opportunity.  Last game I played with him he died as soon as he came down in his Drop Pod.   

So above is the list I will be going into next game with, also I was told the next league will be at 1666 points.  That is a little odd but I will see what I can do.

Battle Report #4

Well today I have a Battle report against paper plate scythe list of doom again, went to the store to play a game and he was the only player avail.  Today (Friday) is the only day this week I am able to get a game in today so I went for it.

My Army List
Dante (Warlord, roll warlord trait to add 1 to my charge range to whatever I roll) -225
Honor Guard w/4 Plasma Guns in a Drop Pod -210
10x Assault Squad w/2 Melta's and a PF -235
10x Assault Squad w/2 Melta's and a PF -235
Sanguinary Guard w/Chapter Banner and 2 PF's -250
10x Death Company w/Bolters and 2 PW's in a Drop Pod
Death Company Dreadnought w/Blood Fists in a Drop Pod
Sanguinary Priest w/JP and PW -90
5x Devastator Squad w4 ML's
Storm Raven -200

Imotech -225 (Warlord Trait gets 1VP for each character his warlord slays)
Cryptech w/Harbinger of Eternity and chronometron - 40
12x warriors w/Night Scythe -256
12x warriors w/Night Scythe -256
6x Wraiths w/Whip coils -270
6x Wraiths w/Whip coils -270
10x Scarabs -150
Doom Scythe -175
Doom Scythe -175
Doom Scythe -175

BA vs Necrons
Mission: Big Guns Never Tire
Deployment: Vanguard Strike (5 Objectives)

Red Thirst: Devastators (excellent), SG, and HG (again awesome).  

He won the roll off and gave first turn to me, in hopes of seizing on his 4+ which he didn't.

Top of Blood Angels Turn 1 (Night Fighting)
 This is what it looked like at the top of turn 1, I deployed in a way expecting him to seize but he didn't.  My 2 Drop pods with Death Company are going to be coming down on turn 1, so I have 1 drop pod with Honor Guard in reserves as well as Dante, Priest and 1 Assault Squad.
My Drop Pod with the Dreadnought Scatters towards his wraiths by like 10 inches.....good thing I didn't put it closer to the edge.  I didn't want to deal with his wraiths though or the Scarabs with him.  DC who I wanted close scattered away like 5.

My Assault Squad moves forward and runs.  My SG also move forward 6, so they just walked out of difficult terrain.

DC rapid fire into the wraiths killing 3, DC Dread only manages to put 1 wound on a wraith with his storm bolter.

Devastators hit a few times but wraiths make all their saves, as well against all the drop pods storm bolters.

Bottom of Necrons Turn 1
His wraiths move up to engage the Dread, the squad of 3 moves to engage the Drop Pod and both get wrecked.  First Blood to Necrons, it is now 0-1

Scarabs kind of scoot along the back table edge trying to stay away from my DC and moving towards Dread.  Scared of the Death Company I suppose.

Top of Blood Angels Turn 2

SG move up towards the Wraiths, as well as the Assault squad and Death company moving towards wraiths.

Last Drop Pod comes down with HG and I put them right next to the scarabs.

Death Company rapid fire into the squad of 3 wraiths and 2 die, assault squad shoots as well but doesn't manage anything.

HG rapid fire into scarabs killing 5 bases.....but I lose 1 HG to Gets HOT (seems to happen every game)

Death Company assault last wraith and kill it.
SG attemps to assault the 6 man squad of wraiths but fails.  I needed a 6 and I roll 5.

Bottom of Necrons turn 2

3 Doom Scythes come on, no Night Scythes

Wraiths move towards Devastators

1st Doom Scythe Death Ray kills 4 DC and the PF Sergeant in the Assault Squad.
2nd Doom Scythe kills 5 in the Assault Squad and another 4 with the Cannon.
3rd Doom Scythe shoots at Devastators and rolls 3 one's to wound and I make 2 cover saves.  So I lose none to the Death Ray (First time this ever happened), then I lose one Devastator to the cannon.
(I really hate Doom Scythes, dont know if I ever said this)

Scarabs multi-assault the HG and Drop Pod.  Drop Pod blows up dealing 3 wounds and killing a base.  The HG deals 3 wounds killing another base.

Top of Blood Angels turn 3
Storm Raven comes on and blows up the Doom Scythe right in front of him, score is now tied 1-1

Devastators snap fire at the Doom Scythe in front of them in the back ruins, and get a penetrating hit and score a stunned result making the flier not able to turn in his next turn and move a maximum of 18inches.

Dante's squad comes down as well and I put them in the  back corner behind the Doom scythe (chose here becuase it was really the only place on the board where I didnt have to worry about getting shot at by Doom Scythes next turn).  Anyways I hope for the best and snap fire 2 melta's and Dante's Pistol into it and do absolutely nothing.

DC assault the wraiths and at the end of that assault I have 1 SG alive and 1 wraith.

2 more wounds wounds on the scarabs and none on HG.

Bottom of Necrons Turn 3

This is what the board looked like at the start of his turn.

2 Night Scythes come on to the left of the Storm Raven and Glance him to death (Oh crap)

Scarabs die to the HG

Top of Blood Angels Turn 4
Dont have a picture of this, I was bummed about losing the Raven and was thinking about what I could do now.  I really wasnt expecing to lose him that easily.

Either way the turn was completely ineffective for me being unable to do anything to fliers except for my snap shots.

Bottom of Necrons Turn 4
Night Scythe on top of the building drops Imotech and his squad into those ruins near an objective in there.
Doom Scythe moves in front of Devastators again, the Doom that got hurt last turn turned 90 and flew to the lone assault squad guy hiding.  He had a Night Scythe and a Doom Scythe on him now, my opponent didnt want to take any chances leaving scoring units alive anywhere.

Of course that 1 guy died.

HG assault the warriors and do absolutely nothing.

I also lose 2 Devastators from the Doom in front of them.

Top of Blood Angels Turn 5

Another completely ineffective turn for me, I couldn't do anything to fliers

Dante and his squad start making way for the warriors in his deployment zone with my HG.

DC move towards the objective in the middle of the table again, just in case he tries to take that one.

HG deal 0 wounds (to much use of plasma guns they forgot how to use a chainsword) 0 wounds from the warriors in turn.

Bottom of Necrons Turn 5

His Night Scythe flies like 36 inches across the table and drops his warriors right in front of the Devastators.  He unfortunately kills them all with the combined might of 2 Night Scythes and warriors.  It is now 1-3

Doom Scythes both turn towards Dante's squad and kill 4 each pretty much.

HG die in close combat this turn while not inflicting any wounds once again.

If the game ends now he has 1 OBJ and I have 1 OBJ but he has First Blood, 2 Heavy kills and he is in my deployment.  So he would win 4-7.  He rolls and it continues.

Top of Blood Angels Turn 6

This is was probably the most ineffective turn I have ever had

DC turn towards the warriors in my deployment where the Devastators used to be and move 6 and run like 3.

Dante and his squad once again move towards Imotechs squad, 12 and run like 4.

Bottom of Necrons Turn 6

Doom Scythes being in a bad position now trying to annihilate Dante are forced to fly off the table, he doesn't really care at this point because he has the victory secured.

The Warriors in the ruin in my deployment came out to shoot at the lone Sanguinary Guard guy holding an objective but he makes all his saves.

He holds 2 OBJ's now to my one.

Score is 4-9

roll to see if it continues and once again it does.

Top of Blood Angels Turn 7

DC move over to the warriors and rapid fire then roll a 11 to charge.   They are completely wiped out, warriors stood no chance.

Bottom of Necrons Turn 7

Warriors rapid fire into Dante and the remaining members of his squad killing all of them and inflicting 1 wound on Dante.

Imotech comes out and charges Dante, he takes 2 wounds I take one I win combat and he rolls an 11 for leadership.  Then I promptly roll to sweep him, I now have Slay the Warlord.

Dante and the warriors are still there, and nothing he can really do at this point so the game ends....Dante is surrounded so is about 5 inches off his OBJ.

So he was 1 OBJ now, I have 1 OBJ.


I have Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker, 1 Heavy kill.

He has First Blood and 2 Heavy Kills

6-6 Draw

Leaving my 6th ed Record now at 2-1-3

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Army List

The list I am going to try out for Friday's game.

Dante -225 (Warlord)
Honor Guard w/JP's and 4 Plasma Guns -225
10x Assault Sqaud w/2 Melta and PF -235
10x Assault Sqaud w/2 Melta and PF -235
Sanguinary Guard w/Chapter Banner -230
10x Death Company w/Bolters and 2 Power Sword's - 230
       Drop Pod -35
Death Company Dreadnought w/Blood Fists -125
       Drop Pod -35
Sanguinary Priest /w JP  - 75
6x Devastator Squad w/4 Missile Launchers -146
Storm Raven -200

If I face a heavy Flier list I guess I could always drop the Dreadnought and add another Storm Raven but I like to keep my lists as close to all comers as I can.  I do feel kind of bad going into a game though and I have 2 Fliers and my opponent has none. 

Dante will probably roll on the Command Warlord Trait table again, stuff in there just seems more beneficial to me.

Honor Guard main roll is focus fire 2+ armor, and provide some FNP to anyone nearby part of the reason I dropped one of the two Priests I usually bring.

Assault Squads are my main scoring unit, if its a objective game which is a 85% possibility I can always combat squad.  Which I usually forget about then regret it later.  It's happened so many times so far I dont think I will forget again.

Sanguinary Guard are just awesome with their 2+ save, they all have AP3 weapons so they will just try to kill any 3+ Squads.

Death Company and the Dreadnought are going to go right into their deployment zone and cause havoc.  Probably pop smoke on the dread unless I get close enough to hopefully get First Blood Turn 1.  I'd like to get another drop pod in this list so I can drop all my Death Company in but I haven't figured that out yet.  Possibly some Sternguard later once I beef up their unit some.

Devastators will provide me with some much needed anti mech.  Been in desperate need for this for awhile now but just now finally managed to get a squad put together and painted.  Be there first game so see how they perform.

Storm Ravens are just insane now as well as being a flier.  I can come in fire the twin-linked assault cannons, multi melta and 2 missiles and take out enemy fliers or mech on the ground and have little worry about most things hitting it.

My ideas so far, so any suggestions or comments be appreciated.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Devastator Project

I started my Devastator squad this weekend, I got them all built and primed.  1 is completely done.
Then the others, which are just primed.  The Sergeant has the Half Bionic face and an auspex.
I had to cannabilize a few bases from models from another army that will never see play again.  Then luckily I had enough Missile Launchers to get a squad of these guys going.....1 Missile Launcher had to be ripped off a poor Space Wolf Long Fang.......
The Guy on the left there is wielding a Bolter and Bolt Pistol, he will be used to soak up some wounds on the Missile Launcher guys and hopefully kill a few before he goes down.  As you can see he's in battle stance ready to defend his brothers to the death.

Finished my Sergeant.  Used a vehicle searchlight I believe for the Signum.  Digging through all my bits to get these guys completed. 
Edit July16th....
Finished 2 more Devastators.
Edit July18th
Finished the last guy
Now that my six man 4 missile launcher Devastator squad is finished I will be using them in my game this Friday.  They should do awesome.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Battle Report #3

Blood Angels vs. Necrons

Today I went in and there happened to be someone there and it was John the same Necron player I played last time so we went for a rematch.

The Mission: The Emperor's Will (Capture and Control basically)

Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

Dante (Warlord trait everyone within 12" uses Dante's Leadership) -225
Honor Guard w/4 Plasma Gun's -225
10x Assault Squad w/2 Melta Guns and a PF -235
10x Assault Squad w/2 Melta Guns and a PF -235
5x Assault Squad w/Razorback TLLC -155
Scouts w/Camo cloaks and Sniper Rifles and Missile Launcher -100
Sanguinary Guard w/Chapter Banner -230
Sanguinary Priest w/Power Sword -90
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta-200
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta-200
Aegis Defense Line w/Quad Cannon -100

My Opponent
Imotech -225 (Warlord trait was him getting outflank lol)
Cryptech w/Harbinger of Eternity and chronometron - 40
12x warriors w/Night Scythe -256
12x warriors w/Night Scythe -256
6x Wraiths w/Whip coils -270
6x Wraiths w/Whip coils -270
10x Scarabs -150
Doom Scythe -175
Doom Scythe -175
Doom Scythe -175

He gets first turn, again not that it mattered he would of seized on a 4+ either way

Top of Necrons turn 1
He had all his stuff hug his deployment edge at 24 inches, I did pretty much the same except maybe like 3-4 inches in knowing he couldn't get to me in 1 turn even with insane rolling.

He moves all his stuff forward, that's all she wrote.

Bottom of Blood Angels Turn 1
I move my Sanguinary Guard and Honor Guard up
Honor Guard fire into the squad of the wraiths in front of them and I get 1 gets hot, fail the armor save and FNP save and lose a guy but at least put 1 wound of a wraith...yea not a good trade off.

Snipers shoot at the other wraith squad and they put 1 wound on them.

Sanguinary Guard then assaults the scarabs rolling 11 inches to charge! They put 12 wounds on the scarabs and 1 SG dies (both are fearless)

Top of Necrons Turn 2
1 Doom Scythe comes on but stays more then 36 inches away from the Quad gun so he cant shoot at it because of Night Fighting, usually the Quad gun has 48 inch range.

1 Honor Guard dies from Imotechs random lightning

1st Wraith Squad assaults the 5x Assault Squad behind the Aegis Defense Line and the 2nd Wraith Squad assaults the Quad Gun.  3 Marines die and the Quad gun also dies.

Sanguinary Guard deal 8 more wounds on Scarabs, I don't lose any SG this time at least.

Bottom of Blood Angels Turn 2
1 Assault Squad comes down, Dante's stays in reserve.  At this point I realize that I need to get First Blood this turn or my opponent will on his next turn, and being a 2 Objective game its going to come down to Secondary Objectives.

Well the 1 squad comes down and shoots at the wraiths since 1 squad was the only thing not in CC.  I manage to kill 1 Wraith which  failed a save against a melta gun...that's it.
2 Storm Ravens come on and I position them in such a way that moving 18 inchces on I am able to shoot at that one Wraith squad as well....each Raven kills 1 Wraith
Snipers shoot but they are really bad at their job, and score no wounds.
Honor Guard moves forward to assault the Scarabs that are in CC with the Sanguinary Guard since this looks like the most obtainable thing right now to grant me First Blood.

Sanguinary Guard score 8 more wounds on Scarabs and Honor Guard roll a 3 to charge....I needed a 6.   No First Blood for me.  There was only 2 wounds left on 1 Scarab base at this point........

My 2 marines in CC with the Wraiths manage to stay alive both sides dealing no wounds....I have no idea how that happened.

Top of Necrons Turn 3

2 Sniper's die from Imotech's random lightning.
2 Doom Scythes and 2 Night Scythes come on
Doom Scythes lay havoc into my 10x Assault Squad and between 2 of them wipe them off the table...First Blood to Necrons.

HG Priest dies from a Night Scythe shooting.

Wraiths assault the Empty Razorback and wreck it, and the other Wraith squad kills the last 2 Assault guys in CC with them.

Sanguinary Guard kill the last Scarab and consolidate towards the Wraiths

Bottom of Blood Angels Turn 3
Black Storm Raven kills a Doom Scythe as well as the Red Storm Raven killing a Doom Scythe.

Sanguinary Guard move forward to get into position to assault the Wraiths

Dante's Squad deep strikes, flawlessly because he knows how to use a jump pack.  They kill 1 Wraith....again with a failed melta save....pistols are useless this game it seems.

Snipers manage to hit something and deal 1 wound on Wraiths

Sanguinary Guard assault in each killing 1, both are fearless so nothing happens.

Top of Necrons Turn 4

Both Night Scythes fly off table

Don't really have a picture of this but his remaining Doom Scythe flies over right in front of the Snipers.  He ends up killing 1 Sniper

Wraiths kills 2 Sanguinary Guard

Bottom of Blood Angels turn 4
I realize that it might be possible to kill whats left on the table.  So both my ravens drop to hover mode to try to kill that last Doom Scythe (Twin Linked Assault Cannons and Multi Melta on both, this has to work right?)  Well I dont hit with anything.......

Dante and his squad assault the 4 man Wraith Squad and SG are still locked in their CC

Dante's squad kills 2 wraiths but I also lose 2 Marines.and end up staying in CC, other Wraith squad kills off the last SG and they consolidate over to the ravens since they are fast skimmers now.

Top of Necrons Turn 5

2 Wraiths manage to explode my Black Storm Raven in Assault and I lose 1 marine from that explosion.

Dante's squad kills all the wraiths that are left in CC with them.

His 2 Night Scythes come back on and he beams 1 warrior squad down on his home objective and the other flies up and beams down into terrain near my objective.  Game got interesting now.  Course the squad that moved  36 inches to get to my objective can only snap fire now and they dont hit anything.

Last Doom Scythe also flies off the table.

Bottom of Blood Angels Turn 5
 Red Storm raven stays hovering and pivots around and flies over to the enemies deployment zone since I have nothing over there and shoot at the warriors in the building holding his home objective.....kill 1 warrior.

Dante's squad moves over to Imotech and his squad who just came down near my objective....would of been better off leaving Imotech away, this is what gave me my chance for a draw.

Dante assaults and the assault marines just straight up massacre the warriors.  They roll a 10 on leadership and I roll a 6 to sweep....Granting me Slay the Warlord.

Game ends at this point.

We both control our Primary Objective 3-3
He got First Blood, I got slay the Warlord and we both have Line Breaker.

Game ends 5-5

Lessons Learned.

Dropping the RB and that 5 man squad, I brought them just for the assault squad to man the Quad Gun and the RB to try to hurt something.....but yea points would of been better spent somewhere else and the scout squad could of manned the gun.....

Then Speaking of the Quad gun I should of placed it much further back since it has a 48 inch range.  I wasn't expecting it to get assaulted and die, I know how easy that is now so lesson learned there.

Really the majority of my mistakes came down to deployment and losing my Quad gun so early. 

I am going to be assembling and painting myself some devastator's (blue helmets) should be awesome.  Those should be done and painted in about a week if I am determined.  Don't really have that painting spark right now but with a tournament a month away I have to get it done.

That Honor Guard rolling a 3 to charge when I needed 6, if I would of gotten that charge off I would of easily done 2 wounds to the Scarab and got First Blood taking the win at the end.....but nope dice hate you sometimes.

I still have yet to see anyone ever fail a leadership test on Dante's Death mask, 1 day it will happen and I will cheer drawing looks from everyone I am sure.

Now time to figure out what to change in my list, until next time........

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Death Company and Death Company Dreadnought

Today we have a 10 man Death Comapany squad on foot with Bolters.

I equipped them with bolters with the change to rage in 6th ed.  Granting them +2 attacks on the charge  making them much more threatening at range.  From my experience so far in this new edition with my new setup they kill what they touch.  They are not a scoring unit so their job is cause havoc and tarpit, which in my last game with them they held a Necron wraith squad, their built in FNP works against their rending attacks.  My opponents usually try to deal with these guys often ignoring my actual scoring units...usually assault squads.  If they are not dealt with they start to get quite annoying running around the table rapid firing into things and then assaulting since they are also relentless.

Then my Death Company Dreadnought, he hasn't seen much play lately but I plan on using him more, just waiting for the meta to settle down some.  Right now seems everyone is trying to take as many fliers as they can fit into their list and foregoing all else.  These guys are immune to shaken and stunned results and have fleet.  They will tear pretty much anything limb from limb, or break the vehicle apart to rip whats inside limb from limb.

Tomorrow (Fri July 13) I should be able to get a game in, still hoping for Dark Eldar but I will take whatever.  Have a lot of tweaking to do on my list before a local 2k tournament Aug 15th.  I will also be testing out my new aegis defense line and see if I can actually give up one of my Storm Ravens.

I will probably pick up a box of tactical marines to convert over to Devastators.  Thinking 4 ML's maybe even throw a Lascannon instead of all ML's.  I'll figure that out when I see what the majority of what I will most likely be facing in competitive games.

Added my Lemartes.  I removed his arms, changed them around a little bit and lengthened his blood crozius a bit.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Furioso Librarian and Dreadnought.

Once again no game today, so some more pictures to sate your thirst.

Today I'll show up my Furioso Librarian and Furioso Dreadnought.

I have only used this guy in one game so far in 6th ed.  Turn 1 went to my opponent who was playing Necrons.   Imotech's random lightning blew him up before I ever had a chance to throw dice.  It wasn't so bad though, 2 razorbacks and a Baal Predator also blew up from random lightning that same turn.  Someone's dice were hot....then went cold for the rest of the game.  At that point does it really matter though?

It was funny though because it still was a close game despite all that.  We tied on primary objectives 5-5 and he got first blood, 1 fast attack kill....I got 2 fast attack kills.   It came down to line breaker....he had it and I was 2 inches short from a draw.  So he won 8-7.

Second there is my Furioso Dreadnought.  I used him almost every single game in 5th ed.  In 6th though my dreadnoughts just don't seem survivable enough.  3 hull points seem to go down so fast because no one wants a dread breathing down their face.  This guy has blood talons, which were amazing....but now at AP3? Not so bad though choose your battles.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dante and his Sanguinary Guard / Mephiston

Well I went to the game store today to try and get a game in but it looked like 2 games just got started and I did not feel like sitting around for 2 hours waiting for someone to finish.

So today I will post my Dante and his Sanguinary Guard

Dante (middle)- pretty much all Sanguinary Guard bits and the finecast head and jump pack.

Then Mephiston, which is Astorath's body and Abaddon the Despoilers head and Sword.

Unfortunately I don't think Mephiston will see to much play time anymore due the new AP3 Force Weapon and the fact he is not an IC so doesn't benefit from Look Out Sir.  He wasn't so bad in 5th ed but now that no one will jump in front of a bullet for him he's just not worth it.

Dante has been my go to man so far in 6th and he has been a beast.  Using his high initiative for Hit & Run now is awesome and his Axe Mortalis being Str 5 AP2 initiative 1 doesn't phase him.  He has yet to lose a challenge even getting challenged by TH/SS Terminators or PF Sergeants.  My dice have been hot for this but I still wouldn't let them challenge and he just hide behind some lowly sergeant. So instead he plants his axe in their forehead.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Terminator Librarian

My current project I finished today, decided to take a break from trying to get games in for a day and get one of my projects completed.

Today we have my Terminator Librarian w/storm shield and Force Axe.

Tomorrow I plan on going and getting another game in, hopefully against some Dark Eldar.  I would like to see how I do against an opponent that ignores night fighting and has loads of shooting.

Until tomorrow hopefully........

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Battle Report #2

Today it is Blood Angels vs Necrons.  My opponent is going to be using a few proxies for his Doom Scythes and Night Scythes. 
Mission: The Relic
Deployment: Dawn of War

My army list for this game was
Dante (Warlord Trait was FNP within 3 inches of an objective, kind of useless for me) -220
10x Assault Squad w/2 melta's and PF -235
10x Assault Squad w/2 melta's and PF -235
10x Assualt Squad w/ 2 flamer/s and PW -215
Sanguinary Guard w/Banner -230
9x Death Company w/bolters and 1 PW - 195
5x Scouts w/Sniper rifles and 1 ML and camo cloaks - 100
2x Sanguinary Priests w/jump packs and 1 PW -165
Storm raven with multi melta and assualt cannons -200
Storm raven with multi melta and assualt cannons -200

My Opponent
Imotech -225 (Warlord trait is Furious charge in the enemies deployment zone)
Cryptech w/Harbinger of Eternity and chronometron - 40
12x warriors w/Night Scythe -256
12x warriors w/Night Scythe -256
6x Wraiths w/Whip coils -270
6x Wraiths w/Whip coils -270
10x Scarabs -150
Doom Scythe -175
Doom Scythe -175
Doom Scythe -175
-1992 (May be something I missed, this is what I remember)

My opponent gets first turn, which is fine for me since its a objective game basically and all his stuff is deployed on his board edge anyway so even if I did take first I would never be able to get into range to shoot him.....that and Imotech has a 4+ seize the initiative anyway.

Top of 1
He has 2 Wraith squads and the scarabs start on the table but they all pretty much hug is board edge.  It is night fighting and Imotech's random lightning doesnt score any wounds on unengaged units.  He also has all his fliers in reserve as well as the warriors in the night scythes.

Bottom of 1
I move everything up hoping to get the relic early and start moving it back into my deployment zone. He also only brought 2 Scoring units being the warriors so I dont have a lot to worry about with him moving the relic.  I put my 2 assualt squads, dante, sanguinary priests into reserve they will be deep striking later.

I combat squaded the one assault squad with the flamers and PW

Snipers try to shoot the wraithes and there are 2 within 36 inches.  1 Sniper round and the ML launcher end up wounding.  He makes the save againt the sniper rifle with a 2+ cover save but fails on the ML rolling a 1 so 1 wraith instantly dies.  This is what the board looked like at the end of my movement phase.

Top of turn 2

2 Doom Scythes and 2 Night Scythes come onto the table (Notice the paper plates of doom cut out to look like the real thing)

Then all the scarabs and wraiths move forward

Doom Scythes wipe out the assault squad trying to take the relic and end up only killing 1 DC. 

First blood to Necrons it is now 0-1

Bottom of Turn 2

I Deep Strike my 2 Assault Squads next to his scarabs and wraiths, Dante's squad doesn't scatter and the other ends up moving like 4 inches closer to his wraiths but I am good by like 3 inches.  All in all excellent Deep Strike.  1 Storm raven comes on and shoots at 1 of the Doom Scythes scoring 2 Penetrating hits but he chooses to evade for the 5+ save and ends up passing both.  By doing that though he can only snap fire on his turn

My other stuff moves up and my 5 man assault squad there tries to take the relic....DC move up and Sanguinary guard start trying to make their way to the middle.

Dante's squad kills 4 scarab bases, 3 of the bases being instant kills from 2 melta's and Dante's Inferno pistol.

Other Assault squad puts 1 wound on a wraith.

Necron Turn 3

All his Fliers zoom 18 inches to the right and start shooting.

First Doom Scythe kills 1 Sanguinary guard with his death ray
2nd Doom Scythe kills 2 Sanguinary guard with the death ray
Night Scythe kills 1 guy from the assault squad by the relic
2nd Night Scythe kills 1 DC

Wraiths and scarabs assault the 3 guys on the relic killing them all off.

Wraiths by Dante's squad assault his sqaud.  1 wound on the wraiths and he killed 2 marines.  I fail LD and fall back 11 inches.  which was good I was going to try to Hit & Run either way.

Bottom of 3 Blood Angels

Red Storm raven zooms off the table and Black raven comes 18 inches on

Black Storm raven shoots a Doom Scythe scoring 1 Penetrating hit and locking his velocity.

Dante assaults the wraiths and kills them all.
DC rolls an 11 to charge and get to assault the other wraith squad killing 2 Wraiths
Assault Squad in front of scarabs assaults them and kills them all.

Top of Necron turn 4

Don't mind those scarabs on the left there they all dead. 

Black Storm raven gets glanced so he loses a hull point.  The remaining wraith dies in cc to the DC.  1 Doom Scythe came on and shot at the squad trying to take the relic but only ends up killing like 3 guys

Bottom of Turn 4 Blood Angels (This picture is actually the top of 5)

Red Storm raven comes zooming on and blows up the Doom Scythe and the Black Storm raven goes into hover mode and takes out the Night Scythe (which is the one carrying Imotech so he and his sqaud immediately get placed back into reserves)

I move Dante into the enemy deployement zone trying to secure Linebreaker and hopefually have a chance on taking out his warlord.

At this point it ends for me since he has nothing on the table

Top of Necrons turn 5

2 Doom scythes come on and 1 Night scythe

Warriors beam out of the night scythe trying to stop me

Imotech and his squad walk onto the table right in front of my squad (I was hoping for this)
either way they all rapid fire into my assault squad and I end up losing 4 marines.

1st Doom Scythe kills 1 DC and the other Doom scythe kills 1 DC and 2 of my marines running away with the relic with the death ray.  I end up being OK with the relic, guy carrying it was being protected by his buddies.

warriors choose to rapid fire into my raven and score a glancing hit, the night scythe scores another glancing hit on the raven.....they don't like fliers I guess and could care less that I am running away with the relic.

Bottom of 5

Dante's squad shoots at Imoteche's squad and ends up killing like 5 warriors and Imotech uses Look Out Sir to save himself from the melta's it works but now there is noone left alive within 6 inches of him and he ends up taking 2 more wounds since he was the closest model to my unit. 

My squad holding the relic move further into my deployment and DC company and 2 remaining Sanguinary guard try to shield them.  I destroy the Doom scythe with the red raven and black raven hovering takes out 5 warriors.

Dante and his squad assault Imotech killing everything giving me Slay the Warlord

Score is now 1-1

At this point the game ends on 5 so I get 3 points for the relic and another 1 for Linebreaker

Ending in 5-1 Blood Angels.....raising my 6th record to 2-1-1.

Was a fun game and gives an idea how games are going to be with lots of fliers.  I think I did a lot better this game and honestly looked like I was going to win around turn 3.   Great opponent and Doom Scythes are a pain with those Death rays 10 str ap1 line that just cuts off into whatever direction you want.  Those things scored more kills then anything else and definitely going to be top priority.