Thursday, September 20, 2012

2k League Game 1 (1-0-0)

So Game 1 of the League went fairly well for me.  I played a pretty aggressive Tau player so it was a nice change to what I usually see.

My List-
Dante -225
Honor Guard w/JP's 4 Melta -205
10x Assault Squad w/2 Flamers and Power Sword -215
10x Assault Squad w/2 Flamers and Lightning Claw -215
10x Death Company w/Bolters -200
10x Tactical Marines /w Plasma gun and Multi-Melta -180
Sanguinary Priest w/JP -75
Furioso Dreadnought w/Blood Talons and Heavy Flamer -135
Furioso Dreadnought w/Blood Talons and Heavy Flamer -135
8x Vanguard Veterans w/JP's 2 Melta Bombs and Glaive Encarmine on Sergeant -265
6x Devastators w/4 ML's -146

I rolled on the Command Warlord Trait and got Move Through Cover for my Warlord and any unit within 12 inches.

My opponent got reroll rolls of 1 to hit near his Warlord

He got First turn and there was no night fighting turn 1.

I reserved Dante, HG, 2 Assault Squads and the Priest
on the table I had the Tactical Squad, DC, 2 Furioso's and Devastators.

Not a whole lot happened turn 1, I lost 2 DC but i think that was it.  I made some shots but nothing notable happened.

Turn 2 was when it got really interesting my opponent deep striked all his Plasma suits into my deployment wiping out my 2 furioso's, DC.  Granting him First Blood.  Honestly I didnt expect this at all, usually Tau cower away waiting for the inevitable surge forward.  Not today though

My Turn 2 saw my Vanguard vets come down and scatter 6 inches towards his unit in my deployment with his warlord and a few plasma suits.  The 2nd ring of vets ended up touching his drone so Mishap and I rolled a 1.....Whole unit dead.
Dante and the Honor Guard landed right next to that same unit that the vanguard were going for and shot the warlord in the face and killing 2 Drones and Instant killing the Warlord.  Then ended up falling back like 11 inches.  Assault squad also landed in his deployment and I proceeded to flame his fire warriors to death.  He had like 75 fire warriors so it was going to take some work.

My Tactical marines moved off their objective and moved over and shot 10 shots into one of his plasma suit squads killing one of them and they lost their leadership and started falling back.....funny thing with this squad is they failed their leadership every turn until it was about 1 inch from his table edge and he finally regrouped.

Turn 3 Had my other assault squad come down in his deployment flaming another squad and both of them surviving an incredible amount of firepower.  If i failed my armor save FNP saved me 75% of the time.    One turn his entire army shot at one assault squad and couldnt remove them from his deployment they dug in and weathered the storm....then next turn assaulted.   By the end of the game he didnt have any firewarriors near any objectives.  he had some in a building but there was no way they could make it that far in time.

Turn 6 he fired his broadsides at my tactical marines on the other side of the table killing 2 and I failed a leadership test on a 12...then I rolled 12 for fallback......the table edge was 11 inches from them.....yea.

At this point its turn 6 I have no scoring units left and he cant get any either.

He has first blood and i have Slay the Warlord.  So Dante went in with his Honor Guard to try to get me line breaker.  I ended up losing all the Honor guard and Dante made an incredible amount of saves.  My opponent even assaulted me with like 6 plasma suits to try to kill Dante off so he could get slay the warlord and deny me line breaker.....but Dante made all his saves again and proceeded to butcher every Tau near him.

Game ends on turn 7 and I have slay the Warlord and Line breaker to his first blood.

2-1 me

For this game since neither of us held the primary we both got 7 and each secondary was worth 2.

So 11-9 Blood Angels.

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