Thursday, July 26, 2012

League Army List

Well it is confirmed the League will be 1666 points, I attended the pre-league games on Wednesday (July 25th) with what I thought was a strong list.  Needless to say I lost, surprising I know.

Dante -225 (Warlord)
10x Assault Squad w/ 2 Melta's and PF -235
10x Assault Squad w/ 2 Melta's and PF -235
Sanguinary Guard w/Chapter Banner and 2 PF's -250
7x Death Company w/Bolter's and 1 Power Sword -155
2x Sanguinary Priests w/JP's and 1 Power Sword -165
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta -200
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta -200

Problem with the last game I had was I couldn't get an army wide FNP bubble going becuase the one I had got bogged down.  My Death Company ended up in  protracted combat that lasted pretty much the entire game with genestealers and the Broodlord.

Either way I am going to go with this for the time being and see what happens.

The Battle Reports are going to start back up again starting with Game 1 on the 1st of August.  Each game will actually count so at that point hopefully my luck improves.

1 comment:

  1. I like the list. Glad you took my advice on the 2 PFs on the S. Guard.
