I equipped them with bolters with the change to rage in 6th ed. Granting them +2 attacks on the charge making them much more threatening at range. From my experience so far in this new edition with my new setup they kill what they touch. They are not a scoring unit so their job is cause havoc and tarpit, which in my last game with them they held a Necron wraith squad, their built in FNP works against their rending attacks. My opponents usually try to deal with these guys often ignoring my actual scoring units...usually assault squads. If they are not dealt with they start to get quite annoying running around the table rapid firing into things and then assaulting since they are also relentless.
Then my Death Company Dreadnought, he hasn't seen much play lately but I plan on using him more, just waiting for the meta to settle down some. Right now seems everyone is trying to take as many fliers as they can fit into their list and foregoing all else. These guys are immune to shaken and stunned results and have fleet. They will tear pretty much anything limb from limb, or break the vehicle apart to rip whats inside limb from limb.
Tomorrow (Fri July 13) I should be able to get a game in, still hoping for Dark Eldar but I will take whatever. Have a lot of tweaking to do on my list before a local 2k tournament Aug 15th. I will also be testing out my new aegis defense line and see if I can actually give up one of my Storm Ravens.
I will probably pick up a box of tactical marines to convert over to Devastators. Thinking 4 ML's maybe even throw a Lascannon instead of all ML's. I'll figure that out when I see what the majority of what I will most likely be facing in competitive games.
Added my Lemartes. I removed his arms, changed them around a little bit and lengthened his blood crozius a bit.
I think you should run with 8 DC, Tyco and either Lemartes or a Chaplain. Then, chuck them in a Rhino.