Friday, July 13, 2012

Battle Report #3

Blood Angels vs. Necrons

Today I went in and there happened to be someone there and it was John the same Necron player I played last time so we went for a rematch.

The Mission: The Emperor's Will (Capture and Control basically)

Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

Dante (Warlord trait everyone within 12" uses Dante's Leadership) -225
Honor Guard w/4 Plasma Gun's -225
10x Assault Squad w/2 Melta Guns and a PF -235
10x Assault Squad w/2 Melta Guns and a PF -235
5x Assault Squad w/Razorback TLLC -155
Scouts w/Camo cloaks and Sniper Rifles and Missile Launcher -100
Sanguinary Guard w/Chapter Banner -230
Sanguinary Priest w/Power Sword -90
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta-200
Storm Raven w/Assault Cannons and Multi-Melta-200
Aegis Defense Line w/Quad Cannon -100

My Opponent
Imotech -225 (Warlord trait was him getting outflank lol)
Cryptech w/Harbinger of Eternity and chronometron - 40
12x warriors w/Night Scythe -256
12x warriors w/Night Scythe -256
6x Wraiths w/Whip coils -270
6x Wraiths w/Whip coils -270
10x Scarabs -150
Doom Scythe -175
Doom Scythe -175
Doom Scythe -175

He gets first turn, again not that it mattered he would of seized on a 4+ either way

Top of Necrons turn 1
He had all his stuff hug his deployment edge at 24 inches, I did pretty much the same except maybe like 3-4 inches in knowing he couldn't get to me in 1 turn even with insane rolling.

He moves all his stuff forward, that's all she wrote.

Bottom of Blood Angels Turn 1
I move my Sanguinary Guard and Honor Guard up
Honor Guard fire into the squad of the wraiths in front of them and I get 1 gets hot, fail the armor save and FNP save and lose a guy but at least put 1 wound of a wraith...yea not a good trade off.

Snipers shoot at the other wraith squad and they put 1 wound on them.

Sanguinary Guard then assaults the scarabs rolling 11 inches to charge! They put 12 wounds on the scarabs and 1 SG dies (both are fearless)

Top of Necrons Turn 2
1 Doom Scythe comes on but stays more then 36 inches away from the Quad gun so he cant shoot at it because of Night Fighting, usually the Quad gun has 48 inch range.

1 Honor Guard dies from Imotechs random lightning

1st Wraith Squad assaults the 5x Assault Squad behind the Aegis Defense Line and the 2nd Wraith Squad assaults the Quad Gun.  3 Marines die and the Quad gun also dies.

Sanguinary Guard deal 8 more wounds on Scarabs, I don't lose any SG this time at least.

Bottom of Blood Angels Turn 2
1 Assault Squad comes down, Dante's stays in reserve.  At this point I realize that I need to get First Blood this turn or my opponent will on his next turn, and being a 2 Objective game its going to come down to Secondary Objectives.

Well the 1 squad comes down and shoots at the wraiths since 1 squad was the only thing not in CC.  I manage to kill 1 Wraith which  failed a save against a melta gun...that's it.
2 Storm Ravens come on and I position them in such a way that moving 18 inchces on I am able to shoot at that one Wraith squad as well....each Raven kills 1 Wraith
Snipers shoot but they are really bad at their job, and score no wounds.
Honor Guard moves forward to assault the Scarabs that are in CC with the Sanguinary Guard since this looks like the most obtainable thing right now to grant me First Blood.

Sanguinary Guard score 8 more wounds on Scarabs and Honor Guard roll a 3 to charge....I needed a 6.   No First Blood for me.  There was only 2 wounds left on 1 Scarab base at this point........

My 2 marines in CC with the Wraiths manage to stay alive both sides dealing no wounds....I have no idea how that happened.

Top of Necrons Turn 3

2 Sniper's die from Imotech's random lightning.
2 Doom Scythes and 2 Night Scythes come on
Doom Scythes lay havoc into my 10x Assault Squad and between 2 of them wipe them off the table...First Blood to Necrons.

HG Priest dies from a Night Scythe shooting.

Wraiths assault the Empty Razorback and wreck it, and the other Wraith squad kills the last 2 Assault guys in CC with them.

Sanguinary Guard kill the last Scarab and consolidate towards the Wraiths

Bottom of Blood Angels Turn 3
Black Storm Raven kills a Doom Scythe as well as the Red Storm Raven killing a Doom Scythe.

Sanguinary Guard move forward to get into position to assault the Wraiths

Dante's Squad deep strikes, flawlessly because he knows how to use a jump pack.  They kill 1 Wraith....again with a failed melta save....pistols are useless this game it seems.

Snipers manage to hit something and deal 1 wound on Wraiths

Sanguinary Guard assault in each killing 1, both are fearless so nothing happens.

Top of Necrons Turn 4

Both Night Scythes fly off table

Don't really have a picture of this but his remaining Doom Scythe flies over right in front of the Snipers.  He ends up killing 1 Sniper

Wraiths kills 2 Sanguinary Guard

Bottom of Blood Angels turn 4
I realize that it might be possible to kill whats left on the table.  So both my ravens drop to hover mode to try to kill that last Doom Scythe (Twin Linked Assault Cannons and Multi Melta on both, this has to work right?)  Well I dont hit with anything.......

Dante and his squad assault the 4 man Wraith Squad and SG are still locked in their CC

Dante's squad kills 2 wraiths but I also lose 2 Marines.and end up staying in CC, other Wraith squad kills off the last SG and they consolidate over to the ravens since they are fast skimmers now.

Top of Necrons Turn 5

2 Wraiths manage to explode my Black Storm Raven in Assault and I lose 1 marine from that explosion.

Dante's squad kills all the wraiths that are left in CC with them.

His 2 Night Scythes come back on and he beams 1 warrior squad down on his home objective and the other flies up and beams down into terrain near my objective.  Game got interesting now.  Course the squad that moved  36 inches to get to my objective can only snap fire now and they dont hit anything.

Last Doom Scythe also flies off the table.

Bottom of Blood Angels Turn 5
 Red Storm raven stays hovering and pivots around and flies over to the enemies deployment zone since I have nothing over there and shoot at the warriors in the building holding his home objective.....kill 1 warrior.

Dante's squad moves over to Imotech and his squad who just came down near my objective....would of been better off leaving Imotech away, this is what gave me my chance for a draw.

Dante assaults and the assault marines just straight up massacre the warriors.  They roll a 10 on leadership and I roll a 6 to sweep....Granting me Slay the Warlord.

Game ends at this point.

We both control our Primary Objective 3-3
He got First Blood, I got slay the Warlord and we both have Line Breaker.

Game ends 5-5

Lessons Learned.

Dropping the RB and that 5 man squad, I brought them just for the assault squad to man the Quad Gun and the RB to try to hurt something.....but yea points would of been better spent somewhere else and the scout squad could of manned the gun.....

Then Speaking of the Quad gun I should of placed it much further back since it has a 48 inch range.  I wasn't expecting it to get assaulted and die, I know how easy that is now so lesson learned there.

Really the majority of my mistakes came down to deployment and losing my Quad gun so early. 

I am going to be assembling and painting myself some devastator's (blue helmets) should be awesome.  Those should be done and painted in about a week if I am determined.  Don't really have that painting spark right now but with a tournament a month away I have to get it done.

That Honor Guard rolling a 3 to charge when I needed 6, if I would of gotten that charge off I would of easily done 2 wounds to the Scarab and got First Blood taking the win at the end.....but nope dice hate you sometimes.

I still have yet to see anyone ever fail a leadership test on Dante's Death mask, 1 day it will happen and I will cheer drawing looks from everyone I am sure.

Now time to figure out what to change in my list, until next time........


  1. I don't recall where your RB was deployed, but you can place the defense line around it, granting it a cover save. Treat it like the mobile gun platform it is. All things considered it doesn't cost a lot for what you get.

  2. My RB was deployed forward on the left side by the aegis defense line. It was empty the entire game, the crew was manning the Quad gun.
    This list didnt really make sense to have 1 RB by himself nor did it help that I had my Quad Gun positioned so far forward to allow for a 2nd turn charge.
    In my next list I am going to be using some Drop Pods to put pressure into his deployment zone to hopefully take the heat off mine. Also DC are coming back as well as my DC Dread. We will see in the next battle report how that turned out.
