Thursday, July 19, 2012

Army List

The list I am going to try out for Friday's game.

Dante -225 (Warlord)
Honor Guard w/JP's and 4 Plasma Guns -225
10x Assault Sqaud w/2 Melta and PF -235
10x Assault Sqaud w/2 Melta and PF -235
Sanguinary Guard w/Chapter Banner -230
10x Death Company w/Bolters and 2 Power Sword's - 230
       Drop Pod -35
Death Company Dreadnought w/Blood Fists -125
       Drop Pod -35
Sanguinary Priest /w JP  - 75
6x Devastator Squad w/4 Missile Launchers -146
Storm Raven -200

If I face a heavy Flier list I guess I could always drop the Dreadnought and add another Storm Raven but I like to keep my lists as close to all comers as I can.  I do feel kind of bad going into a game though and I have 2 Fliers and my opponent has none. 

Dante will probably roll on the Command Warlord Trait table again, stuff in there just seems more beneficial to me.

Honor Guard main roll is focus fire 2+ armor, and provide some FNP to anyone nearby part of the reason I dropped one of the two Priests I usually bring.

Assault Squads are my main scoring unit, if its a objective game which is a 85% possibility I can always combat squad.  Which I usually forget about then regret it later.  It's happened so many times so far I dont think I will forget again.

Sanguinary Guard are just awesome with their 2+ save, they all have AP3 weapons so they will just try to kill any 3+ Squads.

Death Company and the Dreadnought are going to go right into their deployment zone and cause havoc.  Probably pop smoke on the dread unless I get close enough to hopefully get First Blood Turn 1.  I'd like to get another drop pod in this list so I can drop all my Death Company in but I haven't figured that out yet.  Possibly some Sternguard later once I beef up their unit some.

Devastators will provide me with some much needed anti mech.  Been in desperate need for this for awhile now but just now finally managed to get a squad put together and painted.  Be there first game so see how they perform.

Storm Ravens are just insane now as well as being a flier.  I can come in fire the twin-linked assault cannons, multi melta and 2 missiles and take out enemy fliers or mech on the ground and have little worry about most things hitting it.

My ideas so far, so any suggestions or comments be appreciated.


  1. I got a few suggestions for you.

    1x 5 HG w/ 4xPG, Drop Pod - 210

    This will help you drop both of your DCs turn 1 and you don't loos a unit.

    1x 5 SG w/ 2xPF - 250

    The 2 PFs will help you fight against other 2+ that's not packing AP2 weapons.

    1x 5 Devs w/ 4xML - 130

    keep it cheap.

    You still have 15pts to spare, not sure where to put that.

  2. The extra 15 points can give my priest a power weapon.

    This may also be a good time to magnetize backpacks for my Honor Guard.

    I think I have a Power fist somewhere that used to be on one of the Sanguinary Guard. Then I wanted to take advantage of the Master crafted and reroll one miss so I went all swords....Then 6th changed everything.
