Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dante and his Sanguinary Guard / Mephiston

Well I went to the game store today to try and get a game in but it looked like 2 games just got started and I did not feel like sitting around for 2 hours waiting for someone to finish.

So today I will post my Dante and his Sanguinary Guard

Dante (middle)- pretty much all Sanguinary Guard bits and the finecast head and jump pack.

Then Mephiston, which is Astorath's body and Abaddon the Despoilers head and Sword.

Unfortunately I don't think Mephiston will see to much play time anymore due the new AP3 Force Weapon and the fact he is not an IC so doesn't benefit from Look Out Sir.  He wasn't so bad in 5th ed but now that no one will jump in front of a bullet for him he's just not worth it.

Dante has been my go to man so far in 6th and he has been a beast.  Using his high initiative for Hit & Run now is awesome and his Axe Mortalis being Str 5 AP2 initiative 1 doesn't phase him.  He has yet to lose a challenge even getting challenged by TH/SS Terminators or PF Sergeants.  My dice have been hot for this but I still wouldn't let them challenge and he just hide behind some lowly sergeant. So instead he plants his axe in their forehead.


  1. Nice pics. What are you using for the white background? Also, I want to see your Optimus Prime Librarian, next.

  2. just a note, Dante's axe means he is I1 now
