Well the Blood Angels didn't do so well in the last game of the league. Ended up 2-3-1, last game I was tabled the top of 5. I went up against a Tyranid opponent which was a pretty rough list out assaulting my assault army.
Thing that really put the nail in the coffin though was the fact I couldn't make armor saves or FNP saves throughout the whole game, and pretty much every plasma gun in my army died from gets hot.
Which sums up how my game went and how frustrating it was becoming towards the end, eventually dice should roll average right? nope not that night.
So next league is going to be 2k with double force organization.
I am going to try something new, first off I am going to run Sanguinor.
I will also be fielding IG allies.
Right now it looks like
Company Command Squad w/Officer of the Fleet -80 points
Infantry Platoon - 175 points
- Platoon Command Squad w/Autocannon and 1 Flamer
- Infantry Squad w/Autocannon and 1 Flamer
-Infantry Squad w/Autocannon and 1 Flamer
This gives me some more long range fire power with the Autocannons being able to take out light armor and even flyers. A lot more bodies on the table, especially scoring bodies, the Officer of the Fleet forcing my opponents reserves to come onto the table with a 4+ instead of 3+.
So what the list so far,
Sanguinor -275
Honor Guard /w Jump packs and 4 melta guns -205
10x Assault Squad w/2 Flamers and 1 Power sword -215
10x Assault Squad w/2 Melta guns and 1 Power fist -235
1x Sanguinary Guard w/Jump pack and Power Sword -90
10x Vanguard Veteran Squad w/2 Melta Bombs and Sergeant with Glaive Encarmine -325
Storm Raven w/Multi Melta and Assault Cannons -200
Storm Raven w/Multi Melta and Lascannon -200
Then IG ally list above.
So the plan right now is turn 1 I pretty much sit tight and take some shots at whatever I can but for the most part I will wait it out.
Turn 2 is when the fun starts, the 2 Storm Ravens should come on and take out enemy flyers and any heavy vehicles. As well as the Sanguinor, vanguard vets and HG coming down into the enemies deployment zone. HG provides FNP and should be able to take out a vehicle pretty easy giving me first blood.
vanguard use heroic intervention and assault, usually my target will be any anti air they might have or just go straight for the opponents objective. Sanguinor provides +1 attack to anyone within 6 inches of him so the Vets will have 50 attacks on the charge.
Sanguinor is an experiment right now, hopefully it works out for me. I plan to add onto my IG allies as the league progresses.
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