Last night I was paired against a footslogging Necron list.
Mission: Emperor's Will
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil
My list:
Dante - 225
Honor Guard w/JP's and 4 melta guns -205
10x Assault squad w/ 2 melta guns and powerfist -235
10x Assault squad w/ 2 Flamers and power sword -215
10x Tactical marines w/ multi melta and plasma gun -180
10x Death Company w/ bolters -200
8x Vanguard Veterans with 2 melta bombs and Glaive Encarmine - 265
Storm Raven w/ Multi melta and assault cannon -200
Storm Raven w/ Milti melta and assault cannon - 200
Warlord trait was FNP within 3 inches of an objective
Opponent granted outflank to his unit
From memory my opponent had
4 overlords
6 cryptech
4 five man warrior squads
2 six man wraith squads w/ 4 whip coils per squad
2 squads of 4 scarab bases (maybe 5 each)
3 annihilation barges
Triarch Stalker
I believe that's roughly it 3 cryptechs had solar pulse and I believe they all had the 36 inch str. 8 ap2 staffs.
Turn 1 Necrons
My opponent had first turn but most things were out of range, except the 3 annihilation barges which managed to kill 5 DC between the 3
Of them.
Turn 1 Blood Angels
I didn't do a whole lot, for the most part I moved around my units around to get better cover and make it difficult for my opponent to draw LoS.
Turn 2 Necrons
His warlord and a squad of wraiths he was attached to outflanked into my deployment right next to my home objective my tactical marines were holding. Luckily he couldn't assault this turn so it would give a chance to shoot before the inevitable assault. Everything else in the army moved forward and shooting at what they could see.
Turn 2 Blood Angels
2 Storm ravens, vanguard and assault squad with meltas deep strike. Dante and the Hg couldn't make the reserve roll even with rerolls so no FNP for those guys. They would have to fend for themselves for a turn.
Vanguard came down without scattering right into my enemies ruin where the obj was but I lost one to dangerous terrain. Assault squad pretty much did the same thing but scattered 3 inches, lost another to dangerous terrain.
2 SR flew on and positioned themselves to shoot at the triarch and annihilation barges.
Assault squad in my deployment started booking it over to my tactical marines to assist them in that assault that was about to happen.
1 SR managed to take 1 hull point off one annihilation barge and the other SR blew up his triarch stalker.
Tactical marines rapid fired into his wraiths and ended up killin 1 and putting a wound on another as well as a wound on his warlord who failed a 2+ save.
Vanguard wiped out a warrior squad in assault.
Blood Angels 1-0
Turn 3 Necrons
Necrons get confused so half go towards his home obj and the other half try to continue going for
mine. The annihilation barges roll like all 6s to hit my SR and kill it by sheer glancing hits.
At this point I have 1 DC left and he's out of Los of anyone else to shoot him.
Everything else runs to get closer to me and the wraiths in my deployment assault. His warlord dies to over watch since he was leading the charge and failed look out sir. I managed to kill 1 wraith in cc but I lost 5 tactical marines luckily they were fearless from red thirst.
Assault squad in his deployment got assaulted by a overlord with scarabs. I lost 2 marines and he lost overlord and 2 scarab bases.
Blood Angels 2-0
Blood Angels Turn 3
Dante and Honor guard come down but decide to come down behind his wraiths in his deployment to stop them from destroying and killing my chances from keeping his objective.
Assault squad in my deployment moved 6 inches over to the wraiths on my obj so I get reroll to charge.
SR made about a 45 degree turn and flew in front of his wraiths to shoot them as well. Vanguard moved up in the the ruin to take out the last warrior squad there.
Dante's squad instant killed 2 wraiths, SR did nothing to them.
Vanguard assaulted ad killed the warrior squad, assault squad finished off the scarabs.
Assault squad in my deployment assaulted the wraiths on my obj. Killing 2 wraiths and losing 2 tactical marines.
Necrons Turn 4
Everything at this point is making a mad dash over to his obj. My assault squad consolidated 6 inches into the ruin so he couldn't draw line of sight on anything in there so everything just ran.
Annihilation tried shooting at my SR since I was in hover mode but I made most all of my jink saves except 1 glance so lost 1 hull point.
Blood Angels Turn 4
Vanguard moved out of ruin to slow down wraiths so my assault squad can hold the obj.
Dante moved up ad shot wraiths again, instant killing 1 more wraith.
SR stayed in hover mode and tried to shoot at annihilation barges again but couldn't do anything.
Assault squad and tacticals killed off the last of the wraiths in my deployment.
Vanguard and Dante/HG assault wraiths and killed them all off this assault phase....Dante pretty much did it all himself.
After that everything consolidates back towards the ruin to block any attempt from getting knocked off the obj, and there is nothing remotely close to my home obj.
Necrons Turn 5
Continues with shooting and think I lost 2 vanguard vets, Dante and his squad assault the last warrior squad trying to get into the ruins and wipe them all out, Dante once again delivering the most killing blows.
Blood Angels Turn 5
Once again trying to take out those annihilation barges but i cant manage to get through the armor, I had a knack of rolling great to hit then all ones or 2s for armor pen. I proceed to encircle my objs so there is no way they will be taken from me at this point. The game goes to turn 6 but not much changes
Blood Angels win with both Objectives and all 3 Secondaries earning a possible 20 out of 20 league Points..
14 for the Primary and 2 for each Secondary.
Blood Angels 20-2 (He managed to get line breaker)
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