This week I was pitted against Chaos w/ Demon Allies.
My list
Dante -225
Honor Guard /w JP's and 4 Plasma Guns -225
10x Assault Squad w/2 Flamers and Power sword -215
10x Tactical Squad w/Plasma Gun and Mult-Melta -180
Sanguinary Guard w/2 Power Fists -220
Scouts w/4 Sniper Rifles and Missile Launcher and Camo Cloaks -100
10x Vanguard Veterans w/2 Melta Bombs and Glaive Encarmine -325
Aegis Defense Line w/ Quad Gun -100
Turn 1 went to my opponent, I didn't try to seize since I wanted him to move as close to me as possible before I got to go to give me a better opportunity to engage him and so I can get some last turn Objective grabbing.
Turn 1 Chaos -
He started moving all his stuff forward, His Demon Prince used Lash of Submission to move my Sanguinary Guard over and into a tight pack. The Defiler fired his Battle Cannon at then luckily it scattered and landed on the Tactical marines behind the Aegis Defense Line, killed one marine.
Turn 1 Blood Angels
The Sanguinary Guard moved forward and got their charge off on the Blood Letters and Skull taker. Skull Taker had a hard time landing a hit this game, which was lucky for me since he was WS5 and rends on a 4+ which also causes Instant Death. I didn't have to worry about that though since if he hit he didn't wound.
I tried shooting at the Soul grinder some but couldn't dent it with the rest of my army. Pretty Uneventful turn for me, just trying to slow him down until my reserves had a chance to come in.
Chaos Turn 2-
Didn't get a picture of his turn but his Demon Prince used lash to move my Assault squad up and into a tight grp so his battle cannon on the defiler could shoot again, but it scattered over into teh tacticals again.
Sanguinary Guard were tearing up the Blood Letters, 2+ save against their AP3 weapons is pretty nice.
The Demon Prince then assaults and the Flamers ending up scoring 5 hits and end up putting 2 wounds on him. He ends up killing 2 marines though so its even.
Blood Angels Turn 2-
The Honor Guard w/Dante come down as well as the Vanguard Veterans. The Honor Guard blow up the Rhino carrying Plague marines and gives me First Blood, the Vanguard then assault the Plague Marines.
The Sanguinary Guard combat is whittling down pretty quick and like 2 of my guys left and 1 Blood Letter and Skull Taker.
Chaos Turn 3-
My Sanguinary Guard finally die, Skull Taker figured out how to hit and wound.
Plague Marines shot into Dante and the HG, killing 3 guys. and his Plague Bearers started moving towards the combat. The Havocs rained missiles down on Dante and his squad, I made it out of that one pretty good.
The Thousand Sons all get out of their Rhino and also lay fire into Dante and his squad but they didnt hit very well and I managed to walk out of that one with 2 wounds on Dante.
Blood Angels Turn 3-
My Tactical Marines shoot the Plasma Gun and Multi melta at the Soul Grinder and the melta ends up scoring a penetrating hit but I roll a 1 to wound. The scout with the missile launcher though shoots and rolls a 6 to hit, 6 to pen, and a 6 on the damage table. This was really the turning point of the game for me. I had nothing to really deal with that Soul Grinder once it hit my lines, I took it out at the perfect time. If that didn't happen I wouldn't of had the scoring units necessary at the end of the game.
Assault Marines shoot Skull Taker in the face with their bolt pistols and he dies.
Chaos Turn 4
Thousand Sons shoot into my tacticals killing like 2 of them.
Vanguard Vets finally die after the defiler came in and assisted.
Dante got assaulted my plaguebearers, he killed 4 of them and didnt take a single wound.
Blood Angels Turn 4
Assault Squad moves into a Mysterious Forest and ends up being a Ironbark forest giving me a 3+ cover save. Dante finally dies, giving my opponent Slay the Warlord
Game is 2-2. First Blood and Slay the Warlord for me, Slay the Warlord and a Fast Attack kill for him.
Chaos Turn 5
Thousand Sons shoot at my tacticals again as they hoofing it to the Objective and they lose 3 more.
Blood Angels Turn 5-6
This Picture is actually the bottom of turn 6. I spent my turn running to secure Objectives, tactical's managed to kill like 2 Thousand Sons, but I was really banking on the game ending on turn 6 and it did. I controlled 3 Objectives and he Controlled 2.
So I had First Blood, Slay the Warlord, a 3 point OBJ, 3 Point and 2 Point.
He had Slay the Warlord, Fast Attack Kill, 1 point OBJ and 4 Point OBJ.
Game ends 10-7 Blood Angels.
Then I also got 10 League Points for the Win so 20 League points for me.
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