Thursday, October 11, 2012

2k League (3-2-1)

So during the league I got completely tabled by nids on the top of 5.  Didnt stand a chance so that was my first loss of the didn't post anything on that since it was so bad for me.

Week 4 I faced Tau and that went much  better for me, was the Relic with Dawn of War deployment.

He got first turn and deployed in a gun line behind the Aegis Defense Line, his kroot infiltrated and pretty much ended up on top of the relic trying to get it to start bringing back to his deployment on turn 2.  Unfortunately for him I stole the Initiative and the Kroot were stuck out in the open with no save against Bolters.  Tactical Marines moved forward as well as the Death Company and just laid waste to was a very large squad, 20+ probably and over Half of them died.

Devastators shot at a unit of Crisis suits only killing a drone.  that was my first turn in a nut shell, he didnt have a lot he could do but he killed off 8/10 DC.

Turn 2 BA
SR came on, Dante and his squad w/Priest, Vanguard vets.  Only thing that couldn't make its reserve roll was a squad of assault marines.

SR lost 2 Hull Points from the Quad Cannon in the ADL.

Dante as you can see in the  picture above wiped out a large portion of fire warriors with the 2 flamers in his squad.  A squad of assault marines w/ Priest that started on the table were moving along the left part of my deployment. 

Vets charged the unit of Crisis Suits with his Warlord.

Turn 2 Tau
 He put everything he had into Dante's Squad and killed off everybody but Dante.  Luckily for me is it took his entire armies shooting to do that.  (First Blood Tau)

A squad of Crisis Suits deep striked behind the assault squad moving up the left side of the table, they had a variety of weapons with flamers being some of them.  I lost 2 guys in all that, FNP saving me a lot.

Vets killed off the Crisis suits  as well as the Warlord. (Slay the Warlord BA)


Turn 3 BA
Tactical marines and DC moved up towards the relic, the other assault squad that was still in reserves came in with a 2 inch scatter to the left.  The Crisis suits that came in behind that assault squad lost 2 drones and a suit and failed their LD test and started falling back.

The assault squad moved towards his ADL blasting into a fire warrior squad right there and they ended up falling off the table, and the assault squad that just came in from deep strike put good use to their flamers.

Dante joined the Vets and moved over  into the ruins to take out the Broadsides.  And Proceeded to wipe them out....Pretty much was all Dante though since the Vets couldn't get through the 2+ armor.


Turn 3 Tau
Quad gun kills the SR by taking the last Hull point off and it ends up crashing away in the middle of no where.

Crisis suits fly up and try to kill off some tacticals trying to stop them from getting the relic killing 2.

Turn 4 BA
This turn he lost all his fire warriors and last suit holding the Quad Gun as well as the Crisis Suits over by the relic.  The tactical marines are moving away with the relic.

For the rest of the game he was going flat out with the Tetra's trying to at least get himself Line Breaker.

At the end of the game I had the Relic so took the Primary for 14 League Points
Secondaries were Slay the Warlord, Line Breaker

He got Line Breaker and First Blood.

18-4 Blood Angels.